Also, one of the primula that I mentioned in my previous post has been flowering, Primula Vialli - very pretty.
October is normally a month of misty sunrises, when the ground is wet and the nights cold. Very few of those this month, but here is one of them.
The birds have been hyperactive this month, feeding frantically on the feeders. In their exuberance, they sometimes overshoot and hit the window. This happened to a little long-tailed tit. He/she was a bit stunned and I stood by waiting for him to recover in case any predators decided to have a tasty meal. Great opportunity for a close-up photo which is not normally possible with these shy little creatures. This is probably my favourite bird.
We changed the clocks today. Nice to have an extra hour in bed, but the evenings are now very dark. Hibernation seems a very attractive option. I am so looking forward to next spring.
In the meantime we will have to make do with the beautiful autumn colours, here is a shot across the valley and over the garden fence. If the wind does not take the leaves off soon, I think the colours will become even more spectacular.
Hello Jenny,
I love the October sunrise and the autumn colours.
It sounds as if you are getting the same type of autumn warmth and beautiful colours as we are over here in Switzerland!
I couldn't resist putting yet more pictures of the astonishing colours on the blog today.
I love the October colors...
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